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Portrait of a Titan - Resilient

*Adapts to, and perseveres through, situational changes *Prioritizes a healthy balance between personal, academic, social, and emotional demands *Embraces failure as a necessary step toward growth


Portrait of a Titan - Goal Oriented

*Possesses the inner drive, persistence, and discipline that leads to success *Makes personal sacrifices to accomplish goals *Focuses energy, effort and enthusiasm on any given task


Portrait of a Titan - Person of Character

*Displays empathy when confronted with difficult problems or challenges *Demonstrates integrity when faced with adversity *Treats others with kindness and respect at all times


Portrait of a Titan - Leader

*Demonstrates self-confidence when making decisions *Motivates others to develop a sense of independence *Encourages individuals to follow pathways that lead to success


Portrait of a Titan - Effective Communicator

*Presents information in a clear, concise, and confident manner *Values input from others and actively listens to encourage collaboration *Facilitates discussions with empathy; approachable in all situations


Portrait of a Character - Innovative

*Uses problem solving skills to navigate the changing world *Demonstrates critical thinking by putting the design process into action *Explores authentic learning with new perspectives

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August 25, 2024

Picture Day Tomorrow!

Friendly reminder that tomorrow is picture day.!!! Click here to order your pictures and enter the ID code below. Cant wait to see all the smiling faces. Picture Day ID: EVTW8M6D8

Our Mission

Empowering students, families, and staff to make a difference by reaching their full potential.

Purple handshake

We value Community, which means we recognize the importance of family, and strive to include our community in the educational process.

purple hands holding heart icon

We value Relationships, which means we will strive to build positive and authentic relationships with our students, our peers, our families, and our community.


lightbulb with gears icon

We value Innovation, which means we will prioritize the creation of innovative educational opportunities for our students to inspire creative problem solvers.